Reservation Format Guides

Paul Ellmore, webmaster

     Only 4% of the formats shown here are for Travel Agent's use.   The Other 96% are used by all Reservation Software Subscribers.   There are still 11 airlines who use TWA PARS software packages to completely run their operation.  


     If you wish to keep these Format Guides inside your computer .. click FILE, SAVE AS, Select a location, (and re-name if you wish).

Format Guide
Seat Availability & Reservations
B Airline Availability and Reservations.[...]
Microsoft Word document [38.0 KB]
Format Guide
Fares & Rules
C Airline Fares.doc
Microsoft Word document [36.0 KB]
Format Guide
Reservation Pricing & Ticketing Instructions
D Pricing Instructions.doc
Microsoft Word document [64.5 KB]
Format Guide
Lowest Fare Finder Options
E Power Pricing.doc
Microsoft Word document [45.0 KB]
Format Guide
Reprice New Itinerary Within Existing Ticket
F Rapid Re-Price.doc
Microsoft Word document [64.0 KB]
Format Guide
MCO Issuance
M MCO.doc
Microsoft Word document [61.5 KB]
Format Guide
Reservation (PNR) Parts
N Pnr.doc
Microsoft Word document [46.0 KB]
Format Guide
Seat Maps & Assignments
S Airline Seats.doc
Microsoft Word document [29.0 KB]