Club Memberships
Paul Ellmore, webmaster
TWA Ambassadors LAX
Southern California - Los Angeles
Membership is $12.00 per calendar year and includes your spouse.
We publish four newsletters a year, with photos of many of our Ambassadors from the last luncheon.
Always be sure that your dues for the next year are paid in advance, as newsletters only are mailed to current members during that year. As we say, "no dues, no news".
Send your yearly payment to:
Sam Medina
17314 Glenburn Avenue
Torrance .. CA 90504
TWA Ambassadors
Nationwide - Worldwide
Membership is $20.00 per calendar year.
This club publishes the SKYLINER newspaper containing information on our many national and international chapters. They also keep everyone up-to-date regarding policy changes at American Airlines.
Send your yearly payment to:
TWA Ambassadors Club
P O Box 51548
Fort Myers .. FL 33994
Click on the below for your membership application.
Updated For Year 2021
TWA Ambassadors Club Worldwide.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [92.8 KB]