Joan Burd, president

     The attached PDF file contains the Constitution and By-Laws that govern the TWA AMBASSADORS OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA.  


     This organization supports, and is a chapter of the National TWA SENIORS CLUB.  


     The purpose of our local club is to operate as a non-profit social organization.   Through social activities, members can contact and maintain friendships with other former employees of Trans World Airlines.  


     The President shall be the contact person for any and all matters concerning the Chapter.

Constitution 24 February 2011.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [46.6 KB]

Constitution & By-Laws

I Name



III Membership & Dues
IV Officers
V Membership Meetings
VI Elections
VII Amendments
VIII Dissolution

Rules & Policies & Regulations

I Non-Profit Status
II Club Funds
III Officer's Expenses
IV Disbursement Of Funds
V Audit Of Club Funds
VI Conduct Of Activities
VII Special Events
VIII Miscellaneous